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Imagine stepping into a room where every wall tells a unique story, where memories and art combine and create a personalized haven.

That’s the magic of a perfect gallery wall—a timeless piece of decor that never goes out of style.

But let’s be real – hanging a gallery wall can seem a bit intimidating at first. Art can be pricey, and the idea of curating a collection that truly speaks to you might feel like a daunting task.

But no worries!

At Poster Guys, we’ve compiled a guide on tips and tricks for gallery wall art – all about turning your walls into works of art without breaking the bank or your spirit. Whether you’re an expert decorator or a DIY enthusiast, we’re here to guide you through the process and share our secrets for creating the perfect gallery wall.

So, let’s start this artistic journey together and transform your space into a captivating showcase of memories and artistry. Let’s get started!

How to Make a Perfect Gallery Wall | 12 Tips

Creating a gallery wall that wows isn’t just about hanging frames on a wall—it’s an art form. Review the following list of tips to help you master the art of gallery walls and turn your space into a visual masterpiece:

  • Gather Your Tools & Materials
  • Plan Your Layout
  • Choose A Theme or Cohesive Color Palette
  • Trace Frames and Mark Where You’ll Pin the Nails
  • Start by Hanging Something Big
  • Mix Multiple Frame Sizes
  • Hang with Uniform Spacing / Use Tape to Measure
  • Add Something Personal
  • Use A Level for Balance
  • Go with Different Art Forms
  • Consider Lighting
  • Step Back and Evaluate Your Wall Art

Let’s discuss each of the tips in detail!

1: Gather Your Tools & Required Materials

What You’ll Need to Make a Gallery Wall?

Having the following tools and materials ready will make the process of creating your gallery wall much smoother.

Equipment / Tools




Ruler or measuring tape




High-Quality Picture Frames

Kraft paper

Painters tape


Picture hangers

Adhesive tape

2: Plan Your Layout / ‘How’ before ‘What’      

First off, choose a wall that’s large enough to showcase multiple frames without feeling messy.

Consider the dimensions of the wall, the sizes and shapes of your frames, and the overall vibe you’re aiming for.

Before you start hammering nails, use painter’s tape or paper cutouts to map out different arrangements. Then, lay out all your art pieces within that area so that you can play with all the art placement and move things around with no fear of wall damage.

It’s like a trial run where you can fine-tune the arrangement until it feels just right.

3: Choose A Theme / A Cohesive Color Palette

While it’s not a strict rule, sticking to a theme or colour scheme can give your wall a curated and harmonious look.

For instance, imagine a gallery wall bursting with botanical prints in shades of green and earthy tones, creating a serene and nature-inspired vibe. This thematic approach brings a sense of unity to your space.

Similarly, you can go for a colour palette that complements your room’s decor. Like a wall in a modern living room with a sleek one-colour theme of blacks, whites, and greys, highlighting your room’s modern style.

Moreover, you can add contrasting picture frames to add some dramatic effect to your wall art. As we offer custom framing Perth, it’s easy to add any colour and design to the frames according to your personal requirements!

4: Trace Your Frames / Mark Where You’ll Pin the Nails

One of the trickiest parts is figuring out where to place each picture. Before you start hammering any nails, take the time to set up your gallery wall layout.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Trace and Cut: Begin by tracing each piece of art on kraft paper and then cutting them out. This step helps you visualize the size and placement of each frame.
  • Mark Nail Placement: On each cutout, mark where the picture’s hangers will be placed. This marking ensures that you’ll hang your art at the correct height later on.
  • Use Painter Tape: Now, use painter’s tape to temporarily hang each cutout on your wall. This technique allows you to step back and get a feel for the layout before committing to any nails.

5: Start by Hanging Something Big / Create a Focal Point

First, go big – it’s like setting the stage for your gallery wall masterpiece!

Begin with your largest pieces and use them as anchors around which the rest of your collection will come together.

Pro tip: If you’re working with a smaller collection, placing the biggest piece in one of the four outer corners of your gallery wall can create a balanced starting point. For larger collections, try positioning it just off-centre but towards the middle for a captivating focal point.

Once your big piece is up, think about your second-largest piece. Placing it diagonally from the biggest one – whether it’s nearby or on the opposite side of the wall – adds depth and visual appeal.

Now comes the fun part – filling the spaces between and around your big pieces.

Before you know it, your good gallery wall will come to life, telling a story and showcasing your unique style. You’re practically done – just a few finishing touches and your gallery wall will be ready to steal the spotlight!

6: Mix Multiple Frames / Horizontals & Verticals

Mixing up your frames is key to keeping your gallery wall appealing. Don’t hesitate to mix and match frames in different sizes, styles, and finishes.

Blend both vertical and horizontal pieces to add variety and visual interest.

If your larger pieces are vertical, complement them with smaller horizontal pieces nearby, either centred or aligned at the bottom. This creates a balanced progression from the larger to smaller elements.

Creating a mini poster collection within your gallery wall, such as grouping 3 to 4 pieces in a grid-like style, adds another charm. At our poster shop Perth, you can find an extensive range of art posters and create a gallery wall within a gallery wall—an interesting concept, bringing an organized and polished look to your display.

7: Hang with Uniform Spacing / Use Tape as a Measuring Tool

Even spacing between pictures not only adds a refined look but also prevents the arrangement from appearing messy or haphazard.

A good rule of thumb is to leave about 2 inches of space between frames as a starting point.

To achieve consistent spacing, use painter’s tape as a measuring tool. Cut painter’s tape into strips that match the desired spacing between your frames. This way you go uniform and save your time compared to using cumbersome measuring tapes or rulers.

8: Add Something Personal / Be Creative

Art can definitely be heavy on your pocket, that’s why digital prints or posters Perth are a fantastic and budget-friendly option. They not only add artistic flair but also support independent artists.

However, relying only on digital prints can sometimes make your gallery wall feel a bit generic like it came straight out of a home decor catalog.

To avoid this boredom, add in some personal art!

Whether it’s a cherished painting created by your child or a handmade collage of memorable tickets and postcards from your travels, these personal touches add depth and uniqueness to your gallery wall.

9: Play with Symmetry & Asymmetry / Use A Level for Balance

                                                 Symmetrical Arrangement                                                                                             Asymmetrical Arrangement

Balance is like the secret sauce that makes a gallery wall go from good to great.

You have two main routes to play with here: symmetry or asymmetry.

  • Symmetrical arrangements give off a classic, organized vibe, perfect for those who love order and structure.
  • Asymmetry adds a touch of creativity and eclecticism, great for those who prefer a more dynamic and free-flowing look.

The key here is consistency!

Whether you go for symmetry or asymmetry, keeping the spacing between frames consistent is crucial. This consistency ties everything together and gives your wall that polished pulled-together appearance.

Pro tip: Don’t skip the level!

Once all your frames are up, grab that trusty level and double-check that everything is hanging perfectly straight. It may seem like a small detail, but trust me, your eyes will thank you.

10: Go with Different Art Forms

It’s not just about framed prints – think outside the box!

Blend elements like shelves or tables for decor items, wall-mounted pots for greenery, or decorative letters and symbols. This mix of textures and forms enriches your display and makes it truly unique.

Moreover, add round pieces like oval canvases or embroidery still in its hoop to break up the grid-like pattern that can sometimes rule a gallery wall. These unexpected touch-ups add visual interest and keep your wall lively and engaging.

11: Add some Lightings

Lighting plays the main role in making your gallery wall stand out.

You can boost the effect by installing adjustable spotlights or elegant wall brackets. These light fixtures not only highlight your picture frames but also add a touch of drama to your display.

Plus, don’t underestimate the power of natural light either.

If you have windows nearby, let that natural sunshine filter in. It not only brightens up the space but also brings out the colours and details of your artwork, making your gallery wall even more fascinating.

12: Step Back and Evaluate Your Wall Art

Here comes the last step

After you’re done with your gallery wall, take a moment to step back and really look at it.

Check for balance, spacing, and how the pieces flow together. Make any tweaks needed to make everything in order and visually appealing from various viewpoints in the room. With these thoughtful adjustments, your gallery wall will become a captivating focal point that adds a unique touch to your living space.

Now that you’ve gone through these expert tips and tricks, you’re ready to turn any blank wall into an appealing showcase of memories, art, and joy.

But if you’re searching for “Poster Shops Near Me” or “Picture Framers Near Me.

Poster Guys have got your back!

Our custom framing Perth and a vast collection of art posters featuring illustrations, paintings, graphics, and photographs made by renowned artists from across the globe. We carefully hand-pick each art piece to make sure you receive perfect posters in top-quality prints for your gallery wall.

So, why wait any longer?

Visit our poster shop Perth and find the Best Posters for your gallery wall!

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